ROA Net – From British Radio Officers Association.

From British Radio Officer Mike Carter – M6MPC

I’m the Net controller in the UK for the ROA callsign MX0ROA.

We have the Net every Thursday evening at 1900 gmt, but at 1800 gmt when on summer clock time.

The frequency is 3565 kc/s plus or minus round about 500 c/s for QRM etc.

We have been getting up to 15 ex R/O’s per Net recently, and it’s very encouraging that they are making the effort to come on the Nets.

I operate from a small bench in my back room which is just under 1 meter square.

I hope to include a photograph.

I often hear Italian lads calling around our frequency in the evening, so if you can hear us well enough, please call in or break in with QSK. I would love to have your countrymen on the Net as we have gained 2 Dutch ops, one of which is ex PCH!

The Net lasts roughly an hour, as I send my local weather first, then a QTC out of the Union magazine “Telegraph”  (Numast being the Union). Then I send some mixed code, followed by 3 nautical questions.

This is to get the ops memories back if possible!

I look forward to every Thursday evening, as for me, it is the highlight of the week.

If you require any more information, please ask. I shall be using my Gmail email instead of the one.

Best regards and 73

Mike Carter/M6MPC-2E0MPC and ROA Net Controller/MX0ROA

ROA Net summary

Net times and frequency.

1800z 3565kHz (British summer)

1900z 3565kHz (GMT British winter)

Any qrm drop down to 3564.5kHz

Thursdays MX0ROA main schedule average operators 10.

Local weather tintwistle, article from “telegraph” nautilus monthly magazine,

10 groups mixed code, 3 questions.

We now have Dutch members joining , so its not just British ops, so anyone who

Comes onto mrd can join in.

Fridays MX0ROA secondary net average 3 operators

Net is open to all Ex Marine Radio Officers.

Local WX, 10 groups plain code, 10 groups figures, then  Qsx for calls , chat on any maritime/amateur subjects.

Fridays onboard tug Frances-hayhurst supended during Covid-19 lockdowns.

Normal service will be advised when known.

Callsign of tug M0LBL.

The lightship above is Liverpool Bar lightship planet berthed in Liverpool,

Stay safe ,stay well.

Radio Officer Clive Evans