Marine Receiver – Redifon R1000M

By Radio Officer Riccardo MEMEO (The Netherlands)

The REDIFON R1000M receiver has been produced in England since 1978. It covers the range from 15 kHz to 30 MHz and offers the operating modes CW, AM, LSB, USB and MCW. The available bandwidth is 300 Hz, 1, 3, 5 and 8 kHz. Equipped with AGC (switchable), BFO (+/- 3 kHz), speaker and 2 headphone jacks are placed near the handles. A switchable instrument provides information on the operating status of the receiver, a 600 ohm output and the BNC antenna connector on the back of the R1000M. The set frequency is displayed on an LED frequency counter up to 10 Hz.
The receiver setup is performed using the large “TUNE” knob at the center of the receiver, tuning can be set to “Fast”, “Slow” and “Lock”. You can save, recall or scan up to 96 frequencies together with the desired operating mode. The memory currently in use is displayed in an additional LED line with 2 digits, the corresponding frequency can then be read on the frequency counter.

Below a page of a marine magazine of the ‘80s introducing the latest version of a complete radio station from Redifon with their new marine receiver R1000M.

Stazione Redifon


R/O Riccardo MEMEO