Marine Receiver – I.R.M.E. RXU70

Dear Sparks,

in the past Italy had many important firms in the radio electronic field and some of them was involved in the production of equipments for maritime radio communications, of of the them was I.R.M.E. factory based in Rome. I.R.M.E. produced a wide range of marine radios and between them there was one receiver, very similar to the ATALANTA of Marconi Marine, the model RXU 70. This receiver has been used for long time and not only on Italian flagged ships, unfortunately on the web there is not much to report here, it was a receiver of good quality but with some drift trouble. If someone reading this post has some documents for picking up the main features of this radio, they are very welcome.

Manual available here, many thanks to Radio Officer Giuliano SANDAL – I1SAF for making it available and to OM Pino VOLTATTORNI – IW6COI for graphic remaking.


