Dear Friends,

Om Vlad is still active from Research/Survey ship I/B “Mikhail Somov”, the icebreaker built in 1975 and with c/s UCLD is still one of the main russian ship used in Arctica and it seems this mission will end at the end of September has been run to refurbish russian polar bases before the winter.

I found on the web a video clip (there are many others) where are shown some moment of the ship sailing on the roof of the world.

At the following minutes of the clip you can see radio operation some of them conducted from the icebreaker and other radio morse operations from ice-crafts.

You can watch the movie and pay attention at the following stop time to see some radio contacts:

from 3:21 to 3:40   Radio Officer calling Moskwa Radio (voice);

from 4:20 to 4:28   Radio Officer sends fast morse message;

from 6:25 to 6:30   morse message from aircraft;

from 8:21 to 8:38   morse sends from an ice-craft.

I enjoyed very much expecially listening to R/O calling Moskwa Radio remembering old times.

73’s to All

Alfredo – IK6IJF