A French Radio Officer and a Magazine for Sparks

Dear Sparks,

since long time many of us are in touch with Radio Officer Andre CORDIER from France, Andre is a skill CW operator who spent his life for the radio at sea and he is still very busy preparing GMDSS radio operators for the GOC. His amateur radio callsign is F6GIN; during his spare time he is still a watcher of  the radio waves on amateur bands but not only, he is the Editor of a very interesting telematic Magazine for Radio Officers – “QST/MM” you can download from Andre hompage where you can find all the past numbers: http://qst.mm.monsite-orange.fr/


The cover of the last number of QST/MM

Andre is one of the Radio Operator of the Team on board the French Frigate “FRANCE 1” an old Weather ship now restored into a museum vessel with a very busy radio station active during the bigger events of Maritime Radio.


Radio Room of Frigate “FRANCE 1”


The WX ship at sea…rolling and pitching

Dear Andre many thanks for all you have done and you are continuing to do.

BST RGDS to all…and do not forget to read…QST/MM

R/O’s Staff