Maritime Radio Day 2020 – End of the Event

Dear Sparks,

the Organizers of the MRD want to thank All the partecipants at the Event, both Radio Officers and Amateurs Radio. Also this year the conditions of propagation have been bad making contacts very difficult, we have all worn the headphones to pull out at times very weak signals…. On lower bands finally the propagation opened and communications among Europeans became easy with very strong signals both on 40 and on 80 meters. The use of 10 MHz permits easy QSO’s with others colleagues with nice signals. Like every year we found ourselves in a unique atmosphere of friendship and with the typical enthusiasm of every MRD. Our colleague and Award Manager – Radio Officer Rolf MARSCHNER DL9CM – is still working with Logs check for sending everyone the Certificate of Partecipation. God willing, we will be back on the air next.

At the beginning of May will be published the results of the Event, I want to remind you that the results of the Maritime Radio Day are not aimed at drawing up a list of winners but only for the purpose of showing participation in the Event.

Below some pictures and if you want to send yours they will be very appreciated and published on the website.

Radio Officer Mirko Sel S51RE ex M/V ROG/YTMR

Russian surplus station used by Radio Officer Jean-Pierre Godet F5YG ex  S.S. “Leda”/FNHG

Ship’s Agent OM Domenico Caselli operated with c/s  IQ6SB/IQP

Radio shack Radio Officer Alfredo De Cristofaro IK6IJF ex M/V PO – ICJR

Warm regards.
MRD Staff